πŸš€Linux OS & Shell Commands πŸ’»


3 min read

πŸš€Linux OS & Shell Commands  πŸ’»

πŸ“ Introduction:

As technology advances and becomes more complex, there is a growing need for efficient operating systems that can handle the requirements of both hardware and software applications. One such operating system is Linux, which has become a popular choice for servers due to its open-source nature, security features, and fast and easy updating capabilities.

πŸ”Ή Open-source:

Its software allows developers to access and modify the source code of the operating system, making it more customizable and adaptable to specific needs. Linux's open-source nature also means that it is continuously being improved and updated by a community of developers, making it one of the most secure operating systems available.

πŸ”Ή Multiple Distributions:

Another advantage of Linux is the availability of multiple distributions, or versions, of the operating system. This means that users can choose a version that best suits their needs, depending on factors such as hardware requirements, security needs, and available resources.

πŸ”Ή Architecture of Linux

The architecture of Linux is also a key factor in its success as a server operating system. The kernel, which is the heart of the operating system, establishes communication between hardware and software applications. It also manages processes, devices, and memory, making it an essential component of the operating system.

πŸ”Ή Linux System Libraries:

Linux's system libraries are another important component, providing a set of functions and procedures that can be called by applications to perform specific tasks. These libraries may differ from one distribution to another, depending on the specific needs of the user.

πŸ”Ή Compilers

Compilers are another critical aspect of Linux, as they compile code into executable files that can be run by the operating system. User processes, which are applications that run on top of the operating system, also play an essential role in Linux's architecture.

πŸ”Ή Advantages:

One of the most significant advantages of Linux is its ability to run shell scripts, which are a series of commands given to the operating system inside a file. This allows users to automate tasks and perform repetitive actions more efficiently.

πŸ“ File Commands:

ls option_flag arguments  #list the sub directories and files available in the present directory

ls -l                     #list the files and directories in long list format with extra information

ls -a                     #list all including hidden files and directory

ls *.sh                   #list all the files having .sh extension.

ls -i                     # list the files and directories with index numbers inodes

ls -d */                  # list only directories.(we can also specify a pattern

πŸ“ Directory Commands:

mkdir dirName             # make a new directory 'dirName'

mkdir .Newdir             # make a hidden directory (also . before a file to make it hidden)

mkdir A B C D             #make multiple directories at the same time

mkdir /home/user/Mydir    # make a new folder in a specific location

mkdir -p  A/B/C/D         # make a nested directory

pwd                        #This command will display the full path to the current directory.

cd path_to_directory      #change directory to the provided path

cd ~ or just cd           #change directory to the home directory

cd -                      # Go to the last working directory.

cd ..                     # change directory to one step back.

cd ../..                  # Change directory to 2 levels back.

Overall, Linux is an efficient, secure, and customizable operating system that has become a popular choice for servers due to its many advantages. By understanding the architecture of Linux and familiarizing themselves with shell scripting and popular commands, users can fully harness the power of this versatile operating system.

πŸ“ Conclusion:

Linux offers an excellent platform for handling complex hardware and software requirements in a secure and efficient manner.

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